Dog Trainer

  • Charlotte
  • North Carolina
  • Basic
  • Advanced
  • Aggression
  • and Anxiety programs


Meagan has been working with dogs professionally for nearly 20 years, and felt called to begin training 4 years ago after struggling for quite some time with her own dogs who were reactive and aggressive. Despite trying many different avenues to work on their behavior, she knew there had to be a better way for them to live. She’s always loved dogs, but now she is passionate about helping other owners who are struggling as well to find their way to a happier, more balanced life with their dogs! Her favorite thing about her career is helping insecure dogs build confidence to overcome their fears and live the life their owners always dreamed of for them.

dog leaning into a woman's leg

In addition to obedience training, Meagan has interests in working with her personal dogs in search and rescue, agility, and scent work, and is pursuing a certification as a canine fitness instructor. She believes wholeheartedly in filling dog’s lives with as much fun, structure and enrichment as we can!