Dog Trainer

  • Chicago
  • Illinois
  • Basic
  • Advanced
  • Anxiety & Aggression
  • PPDA


Brandon's journey into dog training began with a childhood filled with a profound admiration for canines. His early years were marked by an avid interest in a dog encyclopedia, where he immersed himself in learning about various dog breeds. This early fascination laid the foundation for his future career. As he grew older, Brandon transformed his lifelong passion for dogs into a thriving career, dedicating himself to the art and science of dog training.

dog leaning into a woman's leg

With three years of professional experience under his belt, Brandon is a certified dog trainer recognized by the PPDA. His areas of expertise include obedience training, behavioral modification, and specialized training in canine protection. These skills reflect his commitment to offering a wide range of training services. Brandon's primary focus is on obedience and personal canine protection training, where he excels in shaping well-mannered and protective dogs. His future aspirations are ambitious: to become a leading dog trainer in Chicago, specializing in obedience and protection. He aims to establish a training facility that offers group classes, underscoring his commitment to professional development and his desire to contribute significantly to Chicago's dog training community.